Our History

The Beginning of Nasiha Roho Adinasi Fraternity Incorporated

The original concept of Nasiha Roho Adinasi was conceived in Northern Alabama at Alabama A&M University. The concept of this organization was initiated by a group of students whose home was Birmingham, Alabama.

For the incoming 1965 freshmen class of Alabama A & M University, realizing their common interests, attitudes, and being from Birmingham, Alabama, caused the creation of a special bond that was unique within the student body of Alabama A & M University. The special bond created by these students was founded based on love, fellowship and sharing. These students did not realize that these three attributes of friendship were the beginning of a brotherhood chain that would evolve into a Nasiha Roho Adinasi Fraternity, Inc.

Since these students were all freshmen there residence was Alabama A & M University's Walker Wood Hall. This dormitory served as a home away from home and a social gathering place. The relationships developed among this group of students were admired by the entire student body. Each person had genuine concern not only for the social aspect of the group but also for the each other’s general welfare and their ultimate goal of becoming a graduate of Alabama A & M University. To accomplish this goal all resources were shared.

The general standards this group of students set for themselves overflowed into the student body. Confidence, appearance, and devotion to each other was a common attribute of each individual. Also, being of African American decent during a time when our country was in the mist of social and civil unrest due to Civil Rights Issues and the Vietnam War conflict made the devotion to a cause was very important. 

The incoming 1966 freshmen class brought about a significant change to the structure of this group. Other students were accepted into this group especially students from metropolitan cities such as Mobile, Alabama, Huntsville, Alabama, Atlanta, Georgia and Washington, D.C.

During period from 1966 to 1970, the group's numbers were greatly affected by the Vietnam War. Also awareness of the black student's past African Heritage and American Heritage began to have a positive impact on how Blacks as a whole viewed themselves. This awareness would become the most important addition or change to the original concept of this group. A totally new direction was taken by this group of students. Their goal would now be to emphasize their heritage and creating self esteem among the black race.

The first official steps were taken in 1970 to be officially be recognized a functioning student origination on the campus of Alabama A & M University. A fraternal organization recognized by the University would give the organization the opportunity to implement some of its ideas concerning Black Heritage and Pride.

In February 1970, a name was accepted by the membership of what is now Nasiha Roho Adinasi Fraternity Inc. This name was presented to the membership body by Brothers John Smith, Steve Osborne, William Keye, Anthony McCray and Gregory Watkins. Also during this month, Brothers Freddie R. Watkins, Gregory Watkins, John Smith and Wilber Brooks as a committee began to assemble a constitution and the appropriate documents to present to Alabama A & M University for the purpose of being recognized as full functioning organization. After approval by the membership of Nasiha Roho Adinasi Fraternity Inc., all documents were submitted to Alabama A & M University for review and approval. On February 25, 1970, Alabama A & M University was granted a charter. Nasiha Roho Adinasi became the first African Fraternity at Alabama A & M University. Credit must also be given to sweethearts Betty Davis and Jacqueline Anderson for assisting in designing Nasiha Roho Adinasi Fraternity Inc. official shield.

The Fraternity has established other Undergraduate Kabilas (Chapters) at other universities and colleges in Alabama. Graduate Kabilas have been established in Birmingham, AL, Huntsville, AL and Baltimore, MD.

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